This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. A 80 year old male patient was brought to casualty(i.e4/10/2022) CC : Shortness of breath since 4days Fever since 4days Cough since 3days Loose stools 2days History of present illness: Patient was apparently symptomatic 1 month back then he developed anuria for which he was admitted in a hospital for a day foleys was placed and medication was given for 10 days ,then patient developed shortness of breath four days back which was insidious in onset gradually progressed from grade 2 to grade 4 (mmrc),no postural variation ,no history of suggestive of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspn...